Illustrative Interactions

The Mission

Illustrative Interactions is the temporary home of researcher and visual communicator, Ryan Ridgely. Understanding how things work is empowerment. Many of us are visual learners. Seeing how things go together is the first step to understanding how they work. The primary goal of of Illustrative Interactions is to provide an engaging experience for people to learn how things work. Collaborations are most welcome.

Featured Projects

Dinosaur and Alligator Brain Anatomy
Tyrannosaurs on Display
Wight Model A and 4-40 Engine
Tyrannosaurs on Display

Older Projects

Memphis Belle Infographic
Memphis Belle Infographic
T-rex Brain
3D Printable Tyrannosaurus rex Brain!
Allosaurus Dinosaur Feeding
Animated Infographic: Allosaurus Feeding
rhino anatomy
Rhinoceros Conservation Efforts
Stegoceras airflow
Animated Infographic: Dinosaur Breathing
Nitrogen cycle
Aquarium Maintenance Infographic
B-17G Flying Fortress Model and Rig
Interactive Model: B-17 Flying Fotress
human skull
Interactive Medical Education
Tyrannosaurs on Display
Baby Tyrannosaur Restoration on Exhibit